This blog will explore the world of literature. Each week I will select a novel to write about. These will vary in length, difficulty, and genre giving the audience a wide variety of books to choose from.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Poems by Emily Dickenson

     I must confess this is the only book of poetry I own.  I do not read it as if it were a traditional novel, because it isn't.  This book is a collection of all the poetry of Emily Dickinson.  I often will open the book to a random page or leaf through until something catches my eye, and I will read that poem.
     Dickinson still to this day receives criticism on her structure, or lack there of in many of her poems.  Her subject matter ranges from spiritual to emotion to that of nature.  Though many call her poetry morbidly depressing I see it as a window into a hurting soul.  For the last several years of her life, Emily Dickinson was a recluse.  I do not pretend to know her emotions and how she felt about certain things, but her writing reveals a great progression in her thoughts.  Since this is a book of individual poems and not a novel written in prose I cannot summarize it.  I can only say that, to me, she is an inspirational poet and will always be the one who sparked my love for good poetry.
     I found a beautiful tribute song to her by a man named John Salazar.  It really is a wonderful song to listen to while looking at pictures from Emily's life and home.

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